Sunday, May 27, 2012

Week 1

I am looking at an idea for artwork. It has to be splotchy. Simple random pattern generated by folding a paper with wet paint splashed on it. Kindergarten artwork! Hahahaha! But the Rorschach effect feels in sync with the kind of visual projection I imagine for the music I intend to make.

I might probably let some person with actual artistic skills reinterpret my idea later. For now I guess that's quite cool to begin with.

The song is coming slowly into form, and I'm really happy with the way things are going. I just hope I can write more material like this. A sample demo was made:

Picked up a bit on Absynth and the insaaaaaane Spektral Delay. Its so awesome, I used it on my acoustic guitar sounds and now they're sounding fabulous! If I ever make any money from this I swear to pay Native Instruments and pick up an official copy.

Need to work more on:

  1. Drum parts
  2. Flow of the song
  3. Extended outro
  4. Vocals and lyrics. I'm really struggling to do justice on this one.
Hopefully I shall finish this off soon enough and start on a fresh track. I hope I make atleast 3 more demos like this before college starts. Cheers to that!

Monday, May 21, 2012

Genesis? Or Rebirth?

Its been a year since this blogspace was saved. It was saved for a was saved with the hope that someday this dream of mine shall come to fruition.

I felt the time is near. The moment is not too far away. However I end up feeling bogged down a lot with the lack of ideas, or rather the lack of GOOD ideas to work on, and often end up frustrated and whiling away time on the internet. Pretty much unproductive couch potato activity.

So I decided to stop the procrastination. Escape the frustration. Channel the negativity inside me into something. This is going to be a personal log of sorts for my progress. Each time, every step I take shall be taken into account. All the pent up dissatisfaction shall be spoken out here.
I wasn't very sure about doing this. Its making me feel pretty vulnerable as a person - I don't like to be seen as an unconfident type of a guy. My ego won't let me do that! Hahahahaha

But I'm hoping this won't be a place to see my incompetency or an account of my failures. I hope this blog will narrate a story, my story, and will be a celebration of my growth as an artist, musician and a person. My hope is that it will mark a chart of where I go henceforth and all the new personal achievements I aspire to achieve shall be integrated here. My will and resolve are to be tested, and I shall see how far this takes me.

There is not much that I desire in return out of my ambition, yet the things I do desire would mean the world to me and make it much more than the little that it really is. A sincere, heartfelt connection is all I ask from those in the world who happen to come by anything I create. That shall be my reinforcement, the glue, the fuel and the hammer that shapes the iron.

"King of those who know
I've taken off my clothes
The diamond crushed the stone
And gave the world a heart"
-Paul Masvidal
Cynic - King Of Those Who Know (Traced In Air)