Saturday, August 25, 2012

Inking Out The Mind : Inspiration and a few other things.

When I look at a band like Scribe, I can only think of how can a band made out of 5 middle class musicians can cut such incredible music. Its not just the catchiness of it - they've got original flavour, masterful songwriting and that crazy onstage vibe while being tightly knit. It just seems inhumanly possible that they do all that with day jobs and social lives.

Its very easy to feel you're not good enough to cut it. I end up asking myself often if I should have trained myself earlier, what could have I done to be better as a musician now. I wonder what kind of musician am I at times, why do I feel stuck with the same thoughts in my head I had two years ago. Turns out these kind of things never go away. Insecurity is not uncommon even with people who've had extensive experience in playing/composing.

Keeping a good rep and making contacts in the circuit is important, but sometimes we tend to forget that when it comes to writing music the thing that matters most is quality. Something that is severely lacking in most bands, and they tend to get disheartened and lose faith along the way. Its painful to paint yourself a pretty picture of being a musician and then cold-slapping them to realize they're worth jack shit.

Seven lines is all Isis take to convey emotion in a song that spans seven minutes.

Struggle births every necessity, which in turn pushes us to discovering paths and ways we never noticed before. I think a bit of creative block is good. It will help me keep in line and know my limits.

People quit out of slow growth. They never notice that there is a word 'growth' following slow. Something is better than nothing.

Hitting all the nails is tough - practice, inspiration, pushing limits, hardwork, disciplined focus, fulfilling responsibilities. Every day is a new challenge. We overcome, and grow stronger.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Week 13

Five weeks have passed. Gaia's Throne is done now with 3 original songs and a fourth in the making. I am unable to find time or motivation now to pursue the solo project ideas. I do occasionally doodle with my guitar, playing riffs and stuff but I haven't earnestly worked towards progressing into the new coherent composition territory.
Also available to me is a task of Riffmaster for a friend who'd love to work with my ideas. I think I have gotten more and more reluctant, moody lately. Too much music happening probably? I need to regain a bit of focus perhaps and make sure I don't get tired/bored with this.
Magazine work is going on silently. Probably the start of next month shall see a first edition online ready for viewing. Fingers crossed!
Aaaand internal exams! Fuck! The coming week is totally lost. I think I shall be craving to do more music once I am done with that marathon run of just studying. Hoping that shall result in some cool scenes soon! I really really want to finish 3 demos and look at recording something properly.
Adios for now. Brb soon.