Sunday, June 10, 2012

Week 3

Fantastic night! Pulled off a really loud and killer set, albeit with a lot of flaws that were made up for by the energy. I seriously need to work on my fitness and lung capacity if I am to windmill nonstop and shout vocals. Rage Against The Machine is TOUGH to pull off nonstop! I also feel bad for my bandmates for tolerating my nonsense and really bad jokes.
Spent the long ride back home contemplating (or quantumplating rather ;P ) on life and music. I realized we're always doing this balancing act, we're always part of a duality. We've got people who are silent and all sombre in real life but turn into fucking monsters, the personification of blood red rage on stage! The funny man also tends to be the most serious guy when it comes to matters of importance!
I guess I am realizing the presence of duality in my path as a musician too. Here I am being the macho, attention seeking crazy loony frontman with MLTM, while being quite a seclusive person when it comes to my own compositions. I guess it balances both shades of myself, satisfies the yin and yang as an artist. I hope things go forward from here and I cherish more of each shade, always learning, always growing.
Now that I have completed the gig, I shall tick 'Aggro Metchul Dude Show' and now work towards 'Reclusive Dark Dopesmoking Moody Music Man'. Or something of that sort. I think I'll just shut up and go sleep now. We've got new paths to tread on tomorrow.

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